An unrivalled Tier 1 service.
FGP Systems is a Tier 1 company offering the most advanced processes in the supply chain.
Processing equipment through the final stages before the product reaches the OEM who may complete the product or simply get it ready for distribution by organizing shipment, marketing the products, or whatever is needed to get the product to the end user.
FGP operating as a Tier 1 company eliminates the middleman for the OEM. Companies such as FGP Systems have the strongest credibility with the OEM, having proven themselves to be a company that can generate reliable components on time and with strict adherence to safety and standards procedures also taking on the Tier 2 suppliers ownership and management in keeping with OEM’s desire to mitigate levels of direct order activity.
The OEM’s have many more tiers than this, but the relationship between Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies shows how all of them operate — Management Operating System Tier 2 generates and supplies Tier 1 with the products it needs to generate and supply the OEM with what is needed for the final products. The supply chain is only as strong as its weakest company link, so having healthy business practices is important for every tier to keep in operation.