The modern machine shop is now totally dependent on continuous high quality pneumatic air supply, guaranteeing machine up time and quality deliveries to our customer base, it was necessary to turn our thoughts to our current compressors in the second half of 2019.
With one compressor at the end of its usable life and the second not having the capacity to support our current demand, we started a data logging process within the company. The process was designed to monitor the volume of air consumed across the business, covering all shift patterns currently operated including weekend running and automated machinery. This process would enable us to base line current usage and future proof the air capacity required for the factory to operate with additional machinery going forward. The data collected allowed the business to tender for replacement compressors armed with all the relevant information at hand.
Kaeser had a proven track record at FGP as they supplied the current solution, which have performed faultlessly over the life time of their product, achieving outstanding up time, serviceability and quiet running capability. The business selected two replacement CDS105T Kaeser compressors, supplied by AEP compressed Air Technologies Ltd.
Along with the new compressors we also had some challenges, we had to allow for an increased footprint, which meant the extension of the compressor room and a re-organization of the area. AEP were on site in December to start the five day site installation. The project progressed well with new pipework and commissioning completed within the quoted time frame, leading to no loss of working within the factory.
The new equipment is both energy efficient and quieter, using the latest factory 4 technology which includes heat recovery capability. The system is now able to redirect the excess heat back into the factory during the winter months. To further reduce waste within group one of the existing compressors was removed from site and rehoused at RSC in Yeovil as a back up system for the business.
A big thank you to AEP, FGP Maintenance team and all involved in this latest installation.
Great team work and communication culminating in zero lost hours production.
Simon Griffiths-Hughes Director of Engineering FGP Systems and FGP Lufton