A fantastic day of Celebration once again at FGP’s very own Apprentice Awards.
A day to celebrate our fourth year Apprentice cohort completing their indentured Apprenticeships, welcoming our class of 2022 and crowning this year’s Award winners.
This year’s Categories and Winners were:

Outstanding Academic Commitment
In recognition of the efforts and endeavors to succeed not only in the technical aspects of an apprenticeship but the vocational element also. Presented By Derek Smith, Operations Director and Simon Holt, Production Manager.
Congratulations, Ghani Asker.

Most Improved
In recognition of the efforts made to improve their knowledge and understanding in the tasks and behaviours required. Presented by Chris Eckersley, Production Manager.
Congratulations, Daniel Kingman.

Greatest Business Impact
In recognition of the efforts made to meet the needs of the company, be it technical, commercial, or behavioural. Presented by Ian Rowe, Commercial Director.
Congratulations, Matthew Hall.

Quality Award
In recognition of outstanding commitment to our continued focus on customer satisfaction, adhering to and improving business processes, inspiring others, and leading by example. Presented by Gary Northway, Head of Quality.
Congratulations, Jack Hyndman.

Director’s Cup
The sometimes-unsung hero who is getting on with the job, performing to the highest standards, dedicated to pushing the boundaries and challenging all of us to be better. Presented by Simon Griffiths-Hughes Engineering Director.
Congratulations, Ben Harding.

Apprentice of the Year
In recognition of a first-class performer who is meeting the need in all aspects of their apprenticeship and demonstrating the commitment and behaviours required. Presented by Nigel Pitman, Managing Director and Ed Mee, Apprentice Master.
Congratulations, Scott Greaney.
Congratulations to our fourth years completing their indentured Apprenticeship: Matthew Hall & Jack Hyndman.

And a big welcome to our Class of 2022:
Aaron McGuinn, Cameron Holtham, Brandon Smith, Ryan Larcombe, Harry Matthews-Codd, Marley Dunford (Absent from Photo).

A BIG THANK YOU to all those involved in the development of the Apprentices, your continued support for Myself, Ed and the Apprentices is very much appreciated and fundamental to the future success of the business.
Taking that bit of extra time to explain and nurture our apprentice’s talent is crucial for our organisational development and success and THANK YOU ALL AGAIN, for your time and patience.